091 398 205 sales@atlanticgold.ie

Our Journey

Atlantic Gold was founded and set up by Gabriel Keenan.
It is the result of the years of suffering (from skin psoriasis) growing up a child and the fond memories of his grandmother applying the soothing balms of seaweed that she extracted from her beachside cottage in Connemara, on the west of Ireland. These childhood memories and yet magical and life changing old world remedies used by his ‘nan’ throughout his formative years, have stayed with him to this day.
Gabriel has an encyclopaedic knowledge of and love for the Irish coastline and countryside. He loves the sea and all that it has to offer. When he introduced his team to the magnificent west coast of Ireland, the pod of an idea began to germinate.
Driven by his love and yearning for his grandmother, enthusiasm, and a passion to revive the medicine of old, he began researching the commercial potential for Ireland’s abundant and natural supply of seaweed. Whilst the many benefits of seaweed have been recognised for centuries, Gabriel wanted to explore what was contained within the live organic elements of wild Atlantic Irish seaweed. Having tested the resource for its mineral and nutrient properties, he concluded this self-sustaining, nutrient rich harvest from the sea was essentially ‘pure gold.’
Excited by his findings, the plucky entrepreneur decided on a line of natural seaweed products, free of all chemicals, developed for skin-care, hair treatment and body care.
And so began his voyage to bring natural, multi mineral seaweed products to the rest of the world…. and as the saying goes – the rest is history! 🙂

Atlantic Gold Seaweed

Gabriel Keenan
Gabriel Keenan

100% Pure Natural & Sustainable Seaweed Product

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